Thursday, December 5, 2019

Case-Study of National Supermarkets-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Identify the appropriate Human Resource Management Planning for filling up required Job Profile in retail assistant for your Chosen Organisation. Answer: Introduction The National supermarket is currently planning to expand their business to the rest of the Asian countries. Their current focus is the Singapore. They have adopted a unique business strategy that differentiates them from the other organizations in the market. They operate in small stores with single brand for each product. It helps them build strong relationship with their supplier and in securing reliability if the source of sales in for the future. This have further helps in reducing the cost of the products that enables them to offer products for much cheaper price than their competitors. They seek to follow similar strategy in their business in Singapore. Hence, it is necessary for the Human resource management team to consider these factors in the planning process. The following report will propose the planning for the recruitment and selection of staffs for the posts of retail assistant, checkout operators and security. Furthermore, the report discusses planning for performance management and remuneration and reward policy in their Singapore stores. Each of the planning will address the three of the job profiles mentioned above. The report will also reflect a clear understanding of the theoretical background of the planning, which is support the planning process. Recruitment As stated by Bratton and Gold (2012), the complete process of attracting the capable and appropriate candidates for a specific job profile within the organization is referred as recruitment. It initiates from the moment an organization places advertisement for reaching out the potential candidates and ends with the selection process. There are basically two types of recruitment the organizations can select from that are internal and external recruitment. Internal Recruitment Internal recruitment is the process, where the organization considers recruiting employees from within the organizations. There are a number of advantages of internal recruitment that are mentioned below: Organization can save considerable time and money invested for the recruitment, selection and training process. It also helps in motivating the employees to work harder for receiving promotion. The employees already working in the organization possesses lesser threat for the company than recruiting new employees (DeVaro and Morita 2013). However, there exist a number of disadvantages of internal recruitment that involves the filling up the post of the employee that has been promoted, and promoting one can upset another with similar potential. External Recruitment External recruitment requires the organization to place advertisement for attracting potential candidates from external market. They can select various mode of advertisement ranging from newspaper to hiring consultancies to search for potential candidates from the market. The company then requires preparing a proper job description to attract the right candidate for the post offered. This process is much more expensive than the internal one, as it requires investment from advertising, selecting to training. The best possible benefit the company can receive form the external recruitment is the chances of exploration of a range of fresh talent that might provide new experience and ideas in to the business (Ofori, and Aryeetey 2011). The internal recruitment process seems to be beneficial for the company according to their business strategy. However, considering the fact of business expansion in new country makes it impossible for the company to avail the internal recruitment. Hence, the company will bound to follow the external recruitment. However, they should consider the costing of the recruitment process. It that case, the company should avail the both newspaper and online social media for advertising where they need to post a short outline of the job description along with a link directing to the companys website that will provide further details of the requirement. All the three posts that are retail assistant, checkout operators, security and loss prevention can be filled with following this recruitment process. However, some of the post from the security control needs to be filled by internal recruitment process to ensure the security in their facilities as the risk in internal recruitment is low. Selection The process of selection initiates after at the end of recruitment process. In the words of Hendry (2012), the recruitment process ends with the receiving of the application from the potential candidate. Selection on the other hand identifies the candidates best fitted for the job profile eliminating the rest of the applications. It differentiates between the candidates for identifying and hiring who reflect better possibilities for succession in the job. Berman et al. (2012) proposed several steps or processes for the selection, out of which organizations selects the necessary steps required for meeting their need. It is important for the company to wisely plan their selection process as it involves various costs that are cost of instruments used, future cost of training and cost of the labour turnover if they do not retain with the organization. The standard selection process involves the following steps. Preliminary Interview This is used for eliminating the misfit applicant for the job. It is often conducted via phone call or online video calling. Selection test Different organizations prepares tests model depending on the job profile. It is to identify the skills of the processed candidates and check how well they can perform the given task (Costen 2012). Employment Interview This is to identify the applicants acceptability through a formal and in-depth conversation. There are various models of interview that the company needs to choose between. Reference and Background Checks Background of the candidates passed through the previous stages are then verified. It is to verify validity of the information provided by the candidates and the previous track record (Chaneta 2014). Selection decision The decisions are made by the managers and HRs of the company. The decisions are made on performance of the candidate in the previous stages. Physical Examination This is to identify the health of the candidates. This is often incorporated in the organizations where physical fitness is mandatory for the job profile (Doornenbal, Stitselaar and Jansen 2012). Job Offer The final stage is to negotiate the package with the employee and finalize the contract. Selection process for the Retail Assistants and Checkout operators does not require following all the steps mentioned above. They can complete the process only with the primary interview, employment interview, reference and background check, and selection decision, which will help them to reduce the costing. However, the company needs to conduct a physical examination for the post of Security and Loss Prevention where the candidates need to be physically compatible to prevent any security threat in the stores and warehouses. Performance management The purpose of the performance management is to track the performance of the employees and relate them with the goal of the company. A standard is set for understanding the level of performance of any given employee (Van Dooren, Bouckaert and Halligan 2015). Bach (2012) finds it beneficial to identify the performance of individual employee as it will help the managers to motivate their employee accordingly with the outcome. Furthermore, it will also help in realigning the focus of the employees with the goals and objectives of the organization if required. According to Armstrong and Taylor (2014), this is an ongoing process that is valid throughout the year. It incorporates various sub-processes that need planning. They are: Goal setting Process It is to make the goals of the organization transparent to the employees and the HR managers need to communicate the goals to the employees. It will facilitate in aligning the employee performance with the goals. Performance Appraisal This is to ensure the high motivation level of the employees that will in turn ensure high performance level of the employees. The basic concept of this method to provide appraisal to the employees based on their performance. It can be either monitory appraisal or position appraisal. It will keep the employees motivated which will help them to extract maximum performance of individual employees. Rolstadas (2012) quotes Sink and Tuttles definition of performance management and proposes a process that contains the following: Setting a transparent goal that needs to be achieved in the future Planning involves the formulation of strategies to move towards the goal Implementing effective improvement intervention that helps the organization to move towards the goal and increase the organizational performance by increasing employee performance level. Motivating the employees by various appraisal process will encourage the employees to provide better performance. It is important for the organization to monitor the performance of the employees by implementing a performance management plan. The processes as proposed by Rolstada are applicable in all the three job profiles. It will help the organization to increase the performance in organizational level and minimize the risk factors. It will also help in retaining the employees for a longer period that will help the organization to minimize the costing. Remuneration and Reward According to Shields et al.(2015) rewards are the tangible or intangible thing that the organization provides to the employees in exchange for their contribution. It is to motivate the employees by satisfying the needs of the employees as it has direct impact on the employee performance. Brocklehurst et al. (2012) states that there are various impacts of remuneration and reward that helps the HRM in attracting, engaging, motivating and retaining the employees for a longer period. The HRM should consider the external factors like market expenses and requirements of the employees during setting the salary slab for their employees. Reward on the other hand is the non-salary benefits that the employees receive from the organization. Shields et al.(2015) further divided the reward in extrinsic and intrinsic. Intrinsic rewards are the job challenges, responsibilities, autonomy and task variety the employee face in the organization. It is important for the organization to hire candidates ac cording to the interest as the intrinsic rewards will help them in providing high level of performance. Misfit employees will not consider the mentioned rewards as motivating factors and even consider these as hurdles which can potentially reduce the performance level. Extrinsic rewards on the other hand are the financial rewards, developmental rewards and social rewards (ALDamoe 2012). As national Supermarket follows cost leadership it will likely require a reward policy that can save money. The company should also consider the demographical target employee group during their remunerate planning and reward planning. The company can follow the fixed or base pay for the position of checkout operator and security position. Moreover, the company can offer the employees cash bonus to keep them motivated in the workplace. The intrinsic reward that the company can offer for the posts is the responsibility. The company will require a separate remunerate and reward policy for the retail assistant employees. They must follow the fixed pay and cash benefits under the financial rewards. They can further provide non-cash benefits to the retail assistants based on their performance. This will direct them to provide better performance in their workplace. Intrinsic rewards for the employees under this job profile are responsibilities and task variety. It is because they are the on e who communicates with different customers and delivers product details to them. Hence, they will get to communicate with a wide range of customers with a range of personalities. This will create variation in their task and also challenges to deal with these varieties. Conclusion It can be concluded from the above discussion that the National Supermarkets a supermarket chain operating in South East Asia has unique business strategy and follows cost leadership. It will hence require a separate human resource management planning for expanding in the market of Singapore that will bring them success in the market. The study reveals that the company requires an extern recruitment process in expanding in the market if they seek to follow their cost leadership. It means the company seeks to operate with low cost investment. Internal recruitment will cost them a considerable amount of money, as they have to export their employees from other countries. This justifies the selection of external recruitment planning. Furthermore, they can place advertisements on newspapers and social media websites for attracting potential candidates as collaborating with consultancies will cost them higher. Selection process as stated in the discussion is a standard process in the super market industry and does not require following the other steps mentioned in the theories of selection. Moreover, the target employees are the young students, single parents, aged population, and physically disabled persons for which the process is justified. The report further identifies performance management plan that will help them in motivating their employees and track their performance. This in turn will help the company to identify employee that deserves appraisals. Finally, the reward policy as prescribed will prove to be useful, as it will help the company to keep the employees motivated maintaining the low expenditure. References ALDamoe, Fathi Mohamed Abduljlil, Mohamd Yazam, and Kamal Bin Ahmid. "The mediating effect of HRM outcomes (employee retention) on the relationship between HRM practices and organizational performance."International Journal of Human Resource Studies2, no. 1 (2012): 75. 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