Thursday, September 3, 2020

How to Become President of the United States

Instructions to Become President of the United States With the essential political race reaching a conclusion, just two applicants (if you’re not including the free up-and-comers) will remain. While that appears to be sufficiently straightforward, the way to turning into the President of the United States can be somewhat befuddling and hard to comprehend. All things considered, our framework includes us deciding in favor of who we need as our pioneer, yet we actually vote in favor of delegates who at that point vote in favor of the individual we need as our pioneer, in which the agents don’t consistently maintain the desires of the voter. Bode well? No? Better believe it, it’s prettyâ convoluted however to make things simpler to process, we’ve arranged a short and essential infographic on the stuff to turn into the President of the United States.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Business Law IRAC Methods

Question: Talk about theBusiness Lawfor IRAC Methods. Answer: Issue 1 Regardless of whether Jonas can sue his companion for looking for remuneration for the damage brought about upon him under Contract law or Negligence law? Rule Agreement Law Tort Law-Negligence and Contributory carelessness Application An agreement has been viewed as an understanding entered among two people. In that understanding there must be an offer and acknowledgment, plan to make a legally official understanding, a thought, legal limit of people to enter in an agreement and a legitimate comprehension and assent. The previously mentioned components establish a consent to be enforceable between parties if these components would not be there than there would not be any agreement. So also, for this situation there was no understanding so contract law would not be pertinent for this circumstance. According to the law of tort, Negligence has been characterized as a disappointment in law so as to do what a sensible individual would have done in the circumstances (Legal Aid, 2016). On the off chance that the offended party needs to build up the obligation of the litigant than he needs to demonstrate three things: That the litigant owed the candidate a commitment of concern; That the litigant abused that commitment of concern; and Private mischief or land injury by the offended party because of that contradiction. Commitment of concern has been characterized as the circumstances and relationship under which the demonstration has been recognized as offering ascend to a legitimate commitment to get care. Thus, it was basic for the candidate to initiate that the litigant owed them a commitment of concern. The means of a commitment of worry for a private mischief and land injury was initially chosen by the neighbor test in the matter of Donoghue v Stevenson. In this issue it was held that for setting up a commitment of worry under the neighbor test it tends to be thrown up into two prerequisites: Sensible premonition of peril; and relationship of closeness. In this way, it very well may be said that Jonas companion would be subject for carelessness as it was his obligation to caution Jonas before utilizing the said charger as it didn't had any wellbeing blemish on it. Simultaneously the component of contributory carelessness was available for this situation as contributory carelessness has been viewed as a demonstration where the offended party neglects to take sensible consideration for his own wellbeing or misfortune caused. For this situation, same thing occurred as the injury happened because of the thoughtlessness of the offended party as he was chatting on telephone while his telephone was charging and despite the fact that there was not wellbeing mark; yet it was notable by all the clients that it has been profoundly confined to utilize telephone while charging. End Along these lines, it has been presumed that however Jonass companion would be subject for carelessness yet Jonas would likewise be obligated for equivalent to it was his own obligation additionally for utilizing the charger in the correct manner. As it was anticipated and verifiable truth known by Jonas that the telephones ought not be utilized while they have been put for charge. Issue 2 Regardless of whether Jonas could bring a case against the owner of the caf for recklessness if the harm occurred while utilizing a rebellious charger that was offered by a web caf? Rule Law of Tort-Negligence and Contributory Negligence Application In this issue, the proprietor of the caf would be subject for the demonstration of carelessness as the injury was brought about by utilizing the non-objection charger that was provided by the caf. The comparative instance of carelessness was kept long down prior in which a test was built up for example neighbor test. It expressed that an individual should take reasonable consideration so as to sidestep such acts which can be soundly observed as to make harm the neighbor. The Judge laid out the parameters of the commitment of worry in such cases expressing that an individual should take judicious consideration so as to maintain a strategic distance from any demonstration which an individual can sensible predict that would liable to hurt the people neighbor. The neighbor under law has been viewed as the person who was by and by and actually overstated by another people demonstration that he should have sensibly taken in consultation as being misrepresented when he was unswerving his br ain to the said demonstrations which were brought being referred to. The state wellbeing specialists if Australia has cautioned the customers on the threat of utilizing modest, non-endorsed USB chargers after the death of ladies who kicked the bucket in Australia. It was set up for this situation that the woman passed on because of electric shock which happened and consumed her ears and chest (Fair Trading, 2014). In this way, the NSW Fair Trading Commissioner made a declaration by notice the customers of the potential hazard which was related with such kind of modest chargers. The magistrate expressed that these gadgets represent an extreme peril of electric shock or fire and as a result of this the reasonable exchanging examiners had withdrawn from deal a number if unlawful and non-grumbling USB chargers. And furthermore it has been attested by the Commissioner that the companies or dealers who were selling such unapproved electrical gadgets could be fined with the fine up to $ 875,000 and $87,500 individually. The said gadgets were confined as thes e unlawful gadgets didn't meet the essential security necessities of Australian Standards and were regularly worked of poor quality plastics and different protections supplies. End Accordingly, it very well may be presumed that the proprietor of the caf would be at risk for the demonstration of carelessness as he was utilizing such kind of non-objection charger till now significantly after the Fair Trading Commissioner has requested that the agents confine the deal and utilization of such chargers. And yet Jonas would likewise be subject as he was utilizing the charger significantly after the unmistakable articulation which was obviously expressed by the Commissioner by notice the shoppers to make prudent strides. Such act happened before likewise where a woman was utilizing telephone while it was on charge. In any case, Jonas did likewise significantly in the wake of anticipating the said demonstration or knowing the results of the equivalent. So it would add up to contributory carelessness of both the gatherings. Issue 3 Regardless of whether Jonas could bring a case for careless deception against the owner of the shop if the harm happened while utilizing a resistant USB that was bought from an electrical supplies shop or not? Rule Law of Tort and Contract Negligent Misrepresentation Application In this circumstance, the businessperson would be subject for the demonstration of careless deception. Since, the law of Contract, distortion certifies to a bogus announcement of actuality which hosts been made by one get-together to another, which hosts the result of actuating the gathering into such understanding. Careless Misrepresentation has been viewed as one of the sort of distortion which happens in various circumstances. It happens when the litigant incorrectly makes an exhibition while having no reasonable premise to trust it to be right (Ramensky, 2016). Comparable, however unique to a case for significant distortion were the cases for careless deception. It can offer ascent to a physical or budgetary misfortune or injury. So as to achieve something in a claim for careless misquote the candidate must set up that a phony proclamation was made by the producer of the announcement. In Shaddock v Parramatta City Council the duty was outright for giving information just as suggestion and it was expressed that the individual giving the information to other person whom he knows would depend on it in circumstances where it was reasonable for him to do as such, was under a commitment to work out reasonable worry that the information was exact. It was just an instance of time before the legislature carried on in a manner to give authoritative shield to clients for distortion in the presence of the Trade Practices Act 1974 for the wellbeing of associations acting in business and retail and later the Fair Trading Act 1987 was ordered for conceding insurance to the non-corporate dealers. Likewise, Section 2 of the Trade Practices Act bears that the point of this demonstration was to improve the prosperity of the residents by the support of battle and reasonable managing establishment of arrangements to ensure the shoppers. S 52 (1) of the Trade Practices Act, An association will not, in business or trade, utilize in any lead that would be confounding or deceptive or was probably going to hoodwink or deceive the purchasers. S 42 of the Fair Trading Act, 1987 was in indistinct specifications and has been appropriate on the non-corporate vendors. End Along these lines, it has been reasoned that the businessperson would be at risk for making up for the misfortune brought about upon Jonas as when he asked before the buy that whether the charger was protest with the Australian Standards then the retailer said yes. In spite of the fact that, he very surely understood that the charger was broken and can hurt the individual then additionally he lied. The businessperson ought to have informed the buyer concerning the charger by not deluding the attributes if the charger. Additionally, according to the rule of Caveat emptor which means let the purchaser mindful it very well may be reasoned that as it has been accepted that the purchaser have less information about the item so it has been the obligation of the dealer to educate the purchaser concerning the honesty of the item. In this way, the retailer would be subject for the demonstration of deception. References: Reasonable Trading. (2014) Safety alert - USB style chargers. [Online] NSW Government. Accessible from: [Accessed on 27/09/16] Legitimate Aid.(2016)Negligence.[Online] Western Australia.Available from: [Accessed on 27/09/16] Ramensky, G. (2016) Fraud and negligence.[Online] Find Law Australia. Accessible from: https://www

Friday, August 21, 2020

Influence of Religion on African Culture

Africa is a mainland of assorted variety. In this assorted variety there are several clans and networks each rehearsing its own way of life and religion. It would be exceptionally hard to characterize Africa’s customary religion as it is hard to characterize its culture.More along these lines, it is amazingly hard to build up the partitioning line between African Culture and African Religion. In any case, as much as there were numerous African Traditional Religions, their similitudes were more predominant than their disparities. We take up these likenesses and envelop them as one African Traditional Religion. In this report, we investigate the significant parts of Africa’s Traditional Religions and societies that cut over the whole continent.This paper depends on different examines done by unmistakable researchers, authentic foundation of Africa, news and books pertinent to African examinations. This report endeavors to characterize religion, culture, and investigates t he significant religions, African Traditional Religion (ATR), Christianity and Islam and their impact and effect on African culture. Africa is one of the World’s six landmasses. It is the second biggest and second most crowded mainland after Asia. Different mainlands incorporate; Asia, America-North, America-South, Australia, Europe.Geologically, Present-day Africa, involving one-fifth of Earth's territory surface, is the focal remainder of the old southern supercontinent called Gondwanaland, a landmass once made up of South America, Australia, Antarctica, India, and Africa. This monstrous supercontinent broke separated between 195 million and 135 million years prior, severed by the equivalent topographical powers that keep on changing Earth's outside layer today. At around 30. 2 million km? (11. 7 million sqâ mi) including nearby islands, it covers 6% of the Earth's all out surface territory and 20. % of the all out land region. With 1. 0 billion individuals (starting at 20 09) in 61 regions, it represents around 14. 72% of the world's human populace. The mainland is encircled by the Mediterranean Sea toward the north, both the Suez Canal and the Red Sea along the Sinai Peninsula toward the upper east, the Indian Ocean toward the southeast, and the Atlantic Ocean toward the west. The landmass has 54 sovereign states, including Madagascar, different island gatherings, and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, a part condition of the African Union whose statehood is questioned by Morocco.Afri was the name of a few Semitic people groups who stayed in North Africa close to Carthage (in present day Tunisia). Their name is typically associated with Phoenician a far distance, â€Å"dust†, yet a 1981 theory has attested that it comes from a Berber word ifri or Ifran meaning â€Å"cave†, in reference to give in occupants. Africa or Ifri or Afer is name of Banu Ifran from Algeria and Tripolitania (Berber Tribe of Yafran). Pre-frontier Africa had ma ybe upwards of 10,000 distinct states and nations described by a wide range of sorts of political association and rule.These included little family gatherings of tracker gatherers, for example, the San individuals of southern Africa; bigger, progressively organized gatherings, for example, the family tribe groupings of the Bantu-talking individuals of focal and southern Africa, intensely organized faction bunches in the Horn of Africa, the enormous Sahelian realms, and self-ruling city-states and realms, for example, those of the Akan, Yoruba and Igbo individuals (additionally incorrectly spelled as Ibo) in West Africa, and the Swahili seaside exchanging towns of East Africa.Religion begins from the Latin world religare (re: back, and ligare: to tie), and this raises the world â€Å"being bound. † confidence is typically the center component of religion. Confidence incorporates â€Å"Value-center,† â€Å"trust,† â€Å"loyalty,† and â€Å"meaning†. It is hard to characterize religion.A great meaning of religion is one that clarifies the accompanying key attributes; Belief in something sacrosanct (for instance, divine beings or other extraordinary creatures), A qualification among consecrated and profane articles, Ritual acts concentrated on hallowed items, An ethical code accepted to have a holy or heavenly premise, typically strict sentiments (stunningness, feeling of secret, feeling of blame, love), which will in general be stirred within the sight of holy items and during the act of custom, supplication and different types of correspondence with the otherworldly, world view, or a general image of the world overall and the spot of the individual in that. This image contains some particular of a general reason or purpose of the world and a sign of how the individual fits into it, a pretty much all out association of one’s life dependent on the world view, A social gathering bound together by the abovementioned. Culture (from the Latin cultura originating from colere, which means â€Å"to cultivate†) is a term that has different implications. For instance, in 1952, Alfred Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn ordered a rundown of 164 meanings of â€Å"culture† in Culture: A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions.However, the word â€Å"culture† is most normally utilized in three fundamental detects: Excellence of taste in the expressive arts and humanities, otherwise called culture, A coordinated example of human information, conviction, and conduct that relies on the limit with regards to emblematic idea and social learning and the arrangement of shared mentalities, qualities, objectives, and practices that portrays a foundation, association or gathering. Culture has six center components; legislative issues, financial matters, morals, style, connection and religion. What's more, out of these, religion â€Å"is by a wide margin the most extravagant piece of the African legacy. â €  It shapes their societies, their public activity, their legislative issues, and their financial matters and is simultaneously formed by this equivalent lifestyle. A portion of the significant religions that impacted African culture; African conventional religion, Christianity and Islam African Traditional ReligionIt is an extraordinary religion whose sources include: hallowed spots and strict articles, for example, rocks, slopes, mountains, trees, caverns and other blessed spots; customs, functions and celebrations of the individuals; workmanship and images; music and move; adages, questions, and savvy expressions; and names of individuals and spots. Convictions spread subjects, for example, God, spirits, birth, demise, the great beyond, enchantment, and black magic. Religion, in the African indigenous setting, penetrates all branches of life. Africa’s customary religion depends on the Ubuntu reasoning, which is a Zulu word for human-ness, and was created over numerous hundreds of years in conventional African culture. This culture was pre-proficient, pre-logical and pre-modern. The idea of Ubuntu was initially communicated in the melodies and stories, the traditions and the foundations of the individuals. Another particular nature of the Ubuntu reasoning is the African accentuation on consensus.Indeed, the African customary culture has, apparently, a practically limitless limit with respect to the quest for agreement and compromise. Vote based system in the African way doesn't just come down to larger part rule since it works as conversations equipped towards an agreement. Christianity The Christian religion was established in what is today Israel and Palestine 2000 years prior toward the start of the Common Era. Christianity depends on the life and lessons of Jesus Christ, a Jewish instructor and prophet. Early Christians (adherents of Christ) accepted that Jesus was divine in that he was the child of God. Islam is a religion that was establishe d by Prophet Mohammed.It geographic root can be followed to the cutting edge Saudi Arabia. Impacts of Religion on African Culture Religion being one of the center parts of culture affects culture. Each religion rehearsed in Africa today has profoundly affected the African culture, be it the African Traditional Religion, Christianity or Islam. Christianity Influence on African Culture showed up in Africa in two gatherings. One significant gathering was focused in Egypt and had impact all through North Africa. This gathering was known as the Gnostics. One of the other significant groups of the early Christianity was focused in Rome. This group was especially impacted by the lessons of the Apostle Paul.This group got noticeable in the fourth century C. E. at the point when the Roman Empire formally got Christian. Perceiving the significance of a sacrosanct book in hardening their power over Christianity, the Roman group united an assortment of compositions by early Christians and decla red these works were enlivened by God and that they were the genuine confirmation of the life and lessons of Jesus. This assortment is known as the New Testament and is a focal piece of the Christian Bible. Be that as it may, in making the New Testament the Roman group dismissed as blasphemy every other expounding on Jesus' life and lessons, including numerous books composed by North African Gnostic ChristiansIn hate of the restraint of the Gnostic Christians by Roman Christians, Christianity kept on thriving all through North Africa until the appearance of Islam in the seventh century C. E. The Christians around there were known as Coptic Christians, named after the fundamental language of the region. When of the appearance of Islam, the Coptic Orthodox Church had lost the majority of the Gnostic impact, in spite of the fact that the Coptic confidence, similar to the Gnostics put a lot of accentuation on thought and asceticism. In structure, it was like the Church of Rome in that i t rehearsed similar ceremonies, and the congregation structure was comprised of clerics and bishops.Like the Roman Church, the Coptic Orthodox Church is going by a Patriarch (like the Pope in the Roman Church) who lives in Alexandria. Much after Egypt had been taken over by Arab Moslems, the Coptic Christians kept on shaping a little yet significant section of Egyptian culture. To be sure, Coptic Christians today involve around fifteen percent of the Egyptian populace. Christianity was presented in Nubia by

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Controversy Erupts Over Site to Compare Costs

HomePlanToolsControversy Erupts Over Site to Compare College CostsThis page may contain affiliate links.Oct 8, 2014CollegeAbacus,  an online app  launched in October, helps parents and students compare college costs all in one place. This one stop  shopping site uses  each colleges personalized net price calculations and allows users to compare up to 3 schools at once for free (with unlimited usage).   The net price calculation is what a college will cost after subtracting scholarships and grants from your cost of attendance. The government now requires schools to include net price calculators on their websites, but they are not always easy to find. So having one  website, that allows you to enter a list of interested schools and  get personalized net price calculations to compare costs would seem like a  wonder thing at least for  parents and  students, but maybe not so  much for schools.   read more Controversy  erupted when  Student Aid Services, a company that manages net price calculators for over 700 colleges, began preventing College Abacus from accessing the college calculators. In a letter sent to its clients on Oct. 28, Student Aid Services warned that College Abacus may be providing inaccurate information and charging students for information that colleges provide for free. Cornell  and Fordham University are the only schools that have asked Student Aid Services to restrict College Abacus from their net price calculators. According to Abigail  Seldin, College Abacus founder,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"College is the largest expenditure most people make in their lives. They should know what it costs before they commit themselves to a particular institution. But some schools feel their educational offerings cant be compared on cost alone and may  lead  students to make poor decisions.  Bill Carroll, a senior lecturer in the Cornells School of Hotel Administration commented  Ã¢â‚¬Å"If you are a highly differentiated entity, like an Ivy League college, it is certainly a lot harder to make the comparison of what the value of that education experience is as compared to a junior college.   When you’re making comparisons, it’s not just price. †¦ It’s what the value is.†Ã‚   So whats the real concern? Accurate net price calculations  offered through College Abacus or the fear of colleges that parents and student now have the opportunity to compare college costs easily,  putting pressure on schools to justify these numbers with meaningful value? Road2College Debbie Schwartz is former financial services executive and founder of Road2College and the Paying For College 101 Facebook group. She's dedicated to providing families with trustworthy information about college admissions and paying for college. With data, tools and access to experts she's helping families become educated consumers of higher ed. View all posts CATEGORIES PlanTools TAGS admissionsCollege AbacusCollege AdmissionsCollege PlanningCost of AttendanceCost of CollegeExpected Family Contributionnet price calculatorNEWER POSTEat, Drink, Be Frugal Advice from Parents on Paying The Tuition BillOLDER POSTWhere Else are You Applying?

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Marriage by Gregory Corso - 1646 Words

Pie Glue: The Sanctimonious Institution of Marriage Gregory Corsos poem Marriage is a lucid example of how John Clellon Holmes described the Beat Generation: a display of moral degeneration. The speaker of the poem is torn between submitting to the non-conformity of the Beats and conforming to societys strict views about marriage and social structure. The presence of conflicting thoughts- whether or not to get married and looking at the prospects of marriage from two different viewpoints, gives this satirical poem a lot of weight as a plea against the phony social construction that is marriage. The poem starts off with questions that are not, under usual circumstances asked by young eligible men. Yet these rhetorical questions seem†¦show more content†¦And under all the pressure created by this social scenario, when the priest asks â€Å"Do you take this woman for your lawful wedded wife?† (line 29) he hesitates and blurts out â€Å"Pie Glue† (line 30) which rhymes with the more commonly used term â€Å"I do†. Kirby Olson, in his book The Doubting Thomist, reads the poem as many others have read it: as Corsos outburst against hackneyed social rituals, but he also adds some interesting observations. He notes how Pie Glue rhymes with the more commonly used phrase I do and also claims that this apparent non-sense outburst is in fact a cry of fear, fear of being stuck with one woman (â€Å"hairy pie being a term used for a vagina) for the rest of his life. Once the inessential ceremonies of the wedding are over, all the young men would pat him on the back and offer their obscene congratulations and send the newlyweds off to a honeymoon to a clichà ©d honeymoon spot where dozens of other newly bonded couples go â€Å"to do the same thing†(line 39) consummate their marriage. This is common knowledge, everyone does it, and everyone knows that: â€Å"The indifferent clerk†¦/ the lobby zombies†¦/ the whistling elevator man†¦/ the winking bellboy†¦/ everybody† (lines 40 – 43). Here the poet repetitively uses the words â€Å"The†¦knowing†, bringing emphasis that the actions of the honeymooners are common knowledge and almost taken for granted as a chore, aShow MoreRelatedMarriage By Gregory Corso Analysis809 Words   |  4 Pagesmet. In both poems Marriage by Gregory Corso and Break it Down by Lydia Davis the assumptions of love are made very clear. They both suggest that love/marriage in evitably leads to an undesirable outcome resulting in lack of spontaneity and a great deal of pain. According to Corso, a traditional marriage is cause for a relationship that will eventually lack spontaneity. This assumption is not something that would scare me off from still wanting to have a traditional marriage. It seems almost ridiculous

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Environmental Sustainability And Environmental Management...

Over the centuries there has been countless researches into environmental issues that pose threat to the population, but remains unresolved due to the increasing global population. It can be argued that certain environmental management strategies have been adopted to minimise the environmental risk on the population growth which possibly could become a threat to the global village. Although, there are strategies to manage the environmental issues, a sector-wide approach is required from developed and developing nations to collectively participate in the process of implementing strategic policy goals in addressing both the population and environment issue. This paper provides a brief background on the population trend and the associated environmental challenges. It will further elaborate on the adopted environmental management strategies that counter vulnerability of human population and, provide hope for the future. Background The earth is a set of complex interconnected system comprising of parts that are inseparable to its sub-systems. It is part of a system that co-exist, co-relate and co-habit in harmony with its other. The disruption of a set of a system has replicating consequences that has adverse effects on the other in the process at minimising global warming, poverty alleviation, environmental degradation and other socio-economic issues relating to the global environmental crises as an environmental problem which has enormously contributed to the currentShow MoreRelatedThe Top Management Of Waste Management Essay1410 Words   |  6 PagesFor any organization, waste management is one of the top priorities for environmental sustainability strategy. Waste management entails a responsible operation toward the environment and thus ISO certification. 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Disadvantages of Public Transportation free essay sample

Public Transportation Free public transportation would be a useless drain on the American economy. Firstly, a system of transportation with no regulated price would lack stability. Funding for public transportation would have to come from different areas and aspects of society which might severely upset many citizens. Criminals and drug dealers would see the new and free transportation system as a major benefit to their business. These individuals would deter current users from continued use of the public transportation system. Supporters of free transportation see an ideal situation but do not take into consideration many of the factors that would come along with free transportation. In James Shaffer’s opinion on transportation policy, â€Å"The concept of unregulated market is a meaningless construct†(1). Price is a regulatory device in any type of market. Because we are accustomed to our current systems of public transportation, it is hard to imagine a system that does not involve the use of fares and standard rate practices. We will write a custom essay sample on Disadvantages of Public Transportation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We step on the bus, we pay our fare or swipe our card, take our seat, then arrive at our destination. Without the immediate pay and receive factor, the user might feel uninvolved or detached from something they were once so involved in. Public transportation within cities is funded in part by both regulated fares, and taxpayer’s dollars. If legislation was to rule in favor of free public transportation for all citizens, where would the money come from? The most obvious solution to this problem would be to raise taxes. This would stir up major complications within cities. The users of public transportation services would be paying more in tax rates than they would for the original fares. Also, negative tension would arise among those that do not use the public transportation systems because they would be paying for a commodity that they do not use. If public transportation was free throughout American cities, people who previously could not afford the cost of fares, such as the homeless or wandering criminals, would use the public transportation system more often. This would cause many of current middle class users to stay clear of public transportation. People of the middle class have a certain expectations of standards within the public transportation system. With the addition of the poverty stricken class among public transportation services, many of its current middle class users would abandon using certain services that they once found so convenient. More violence would be present as a result of criminals and drug dealers who previously couldn’t afford the costs of public transportation. Drug dealers would manipulate transportation systems to enhance their availability to their customers and increase their drug-running territories. Instead of finding the homeless asleep in alleyways or next to buildings, they would make a habit of falling asleep among the free transportation systems. At the end of the day, before going home, drivers and conductors would find the homeless bundled up in the back of the bus hoping to go unnoticed so they could have a place to sleep for the night. Women who could not provide for their newborn babies would leave them at the back of vehicles, making them someone else’s problem. Although the transportation system would lose some customers, it would gain twice as many users. Commuters who walked or rode bicycles to their destinations would now be in favor of using the free transportation system. More buses would be in circulation and this will create a sufficient increase in city pollution. Growing taxes would have to increase that much more to provide for more buses, subway cars, and the electricity that powers each into service. With all the new transportation vehicles, more pollution would be circulated into our atmosphere. Overall, the negative side of free public transportation greatly outweighs its benefits. Unneeded costs would affect all aspects of the economy. The standards of public transportation would drop dramatically. Certain groups would be prone to using the public transportation system while others would exclude themselves creating a schism between the classes. Public transportation would become a breeding ground for poverty and crime. Free public transportation is a wonderful idea that unfortunately, is completely unrealistic.